“The Final Chapter of World Missions, written by Beat Jost, is a concise, hard-hitting, prophetic look at the future of world evangelization. Beat writes as a veteran church planter and visionary leader who practices what he preaches. He helps us understand the global shift that God is orchestrating and invites us to join in. If you are concerned about fulfilling the Great Commission, then this book is a must read!”
Rick Love, Ph. D. (former)International Director, Frontiers
This book uses the analogy that Jesus used in Matthew 20 to describe the different workers in the harvest. In this parable, Jesus describes a landowner who hires workers at different times of the day to harvest in his vineyard. Near the end of the day, the harvest is not yet complet, so he brings in many new workers – the workers of the 11th hour – to finish the task.
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